Master Crota Challenge

Challenge Definition:

Crota's Shield must be broken from 100% to 0% within 5 seconds


πŸ’ Power Level


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None Required ❌

πŸ“žVoice Chat

Voice Chat Required βœ…
Microphone Not Required ❌

πŸ”«Gear / Class / Subclass

None Required ❌

Recommended Loadout:

βœ…Indicates an item is highly recommended, if not required


Well of Radiance βœ… Cenotaph
Blade Barrage Star Eater
Burning Maul Pyrogale

Kinetic Weapon

<Any Sniper Rifle>

If Cenotaph:
<Any Scout Rifle>
w/ Shoot To Loot

Energy Weapon

<Any Arc Scout Rifle> βœ…
Shoot to Loot Recommended

If Cenotaph:
<Any Trace Rifle> βœ…

Heavy Weapon

The Lament βœ…
<Any Solar Sword>

Helpee Instructions:

At the start of the encounter, Helpees will clear enemies on their way out of the initial hallways
Helpee 1 goes Left Hallway Helpee 2 goes Right Hallway

After clearing the Hallways and exiting, Helpees will go to the Top Balcony

Helpees will wait on the Top Balcony while shooting Crota and Tower Knights (Left and Right)
Ideally, Helpees take Crota's aggression without being shot, thus keeping him in the same place away from Helpers

When Helpers call Damage Phase, Helpees should come down from Top Balcony to where Crota is and use their sword

After Damage Phase, Helpees will go back to Top Balcony and repeat the process

Lament Combo

Guard -> 3x Light Attacks -> 1x Heavy Attack -> 3x Light Attacks without Guard -> Repeat

Helpee Perspective:

Helper Perspective:

Helpee Instructions (Pushoff):

At the start of the encounter, Helpees will go down the right Hallway

Acolytes should be killed, while Knights should be left at Finisher Health

After the Hallway is completed, Helpees should exit out the Far Right and kill the Wizard

Helpees should now go to the Hiding Spot, located between the Right Tower and the Rock left of it
Note: The easiest way to the spot is by walking around the outside Right Tower clockwise

βœ… Omnioculus Hunters are preferred if possible
πŸ”« Machine Gun is recommended

Full Explanation:


Helper # Exotic Armor Initial Side Exotic Weapon Super Other

Helper 1 Aeons Chalice Lament Well of Radiance Chalice & Sword 1

Helper 2 Cenotaph Right Lament Well of Radiance Chalice & Sword 2

Helper 3 Synthoceps Left Tractor Cannon Burning Maul Chalice 3 & Oversoul

Helper 4 Synthoceps Right Lament Strand Woven Mail + Sever